Highlights: Pacific Loon, Black-backed Woodpecker, Harris's Sparrow, White-winged Crossbill
Waterbirds: There has been some good waterbird movements in the last few days. Over 600 Surf Scoters were seen on the 28th. Dabbler diversity is picking up, as are scaup numbers. Jaegers continue to be seen daily, although they have not given us any very close passes in the last few days (photo below, from several days ago). Black-bellied and American Golden Plovers are being seen daily and we also had the first Dunlin (photo above) of the season. Thanks to Greg Norwood for covering the count on the 28th and 29th.

Songbirds: There have been lots of American Pipits, Horned Lark's and Lapland Lonspurs on the beach for the last few days. Black-backed Woodpeckers continue making brief appearances most days. Up to 3 Harris's Sparrows have been present and at least one was still present at the feeders today. Warbler diversity is winding down, recent sightings include Blackpoll and Northern Waterthrush.
Hawks: Bald Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Harrier, Northern Goshawk (photo below), Merlin and Peregrine Falcon continue making regular appearances.

Owls: Keith and Wendy are having an amazing season for Barred Owl, they have already broken WPBO's single season record for this species. This is not an easy species to see at the Point if you're not one of the owl banders, but we found this bird roosting the other day (photo below). Check for their updates on the wpbo owl blog.