We were saddened by the news that Paradise resident Linda Roberts died last night. Linda added more local flavor than anyone I have known up here. I will miss her and the sound of her shooting from the O. K. Corral, her house down Wildcat Road
Highlights: Northern Shrike (above)
While the finch flight slowed down a bit today, Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, Red and White-winged Crossbill, and Evening Grosbeak were seen. After not being seen for a a few days, there were several Yellow-rumped Warblers today. Northern Goshawks continue to be seen in the woods and making sweeps over the beach at the tip. Hundreds of Snow Bunting continue to be seen daily, and Tim had a few Lapland Longspurs today. Other sightings included; Rough-legged Hawk, Brown Creeper, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Cedar Waxwing, and American Tree Sparrow. It looks like we're going to get blasted with our first taste of winter over the next few days......oh yay.

Northern Goshawk, adult
Northern Goshawk, juvenile