We'd like to thank all of you who pledged to the 2009 WPBO staff birdathon. It was a huge success and over $6,000 was raised for the summer owl research! This is crucial support, without which it would not be possible for us to continue this unique project. We find it impossible to properly express our thanks through words on the blogs. We are simply very grateful, thank you.
Well the spring research seasons have officially ended. Sightings of Pacific Loon, Parasitic Jaeger, and Marbled Godwit added some excitement to the last week of the count. Overall songbird activity, particularly warblers, was fairly low this spring. It has continued to be a cold spring and activity has remained fairly slow into June, but there continues to be some activity. Recent sightings include Green Heron, White-rumped Sandpiper, Olive-sided & Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, Cape May, Blackpoll, & Mourning Warblers.

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Common Nighthawk
Blackburnian Warbler

Evening Grosbeak