Highlights: Bohemian Waxwing, Northern Cardinal
The weather was pretty nasty today, but there was some movement. Sightings included; Northern Goshawk (photo above), Pine Grosbeak, Purple Finch, Common Redpoll, Red Crossbill, and Pine Siskin.
I did some searching south of the Point today in hopes of finding a Hawk Owl or a Great Gray. No luck with the owls, but there was a Sharp-tailed Grouse (photo below) and a Northern Shrike along Lone Pine Rd.
As I covered the waterbird count, the woods didn't get much coverage today. The Harris's Sparrow was still at the feeders. A cuckoo was seen from the Point, and Keith and Wendy had a Yellow-billed this afternoon. There were lots of Pine Siskins at the feeders today.