Sunday, October 12, 2008

Highlights: White-winged Crossbills
There was a fair amount of activity in the woods. Hundreds of Pine Siskins were moving through, and Purple Finch numbers were up. A sighting of note up here was that of 5 House Sparrows at the feeders. There were at least 3 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and 2 Fox Sparrows present. Other sightings included; Winter Wren, both kinglets, Hermit Thrush, American Tree and Swamp Sparrows. Tim had a nice waterfowl movement today including close passes by Black Scoter and Red-throated Loon.
Cedar Waxwing throwing
back a Mountain Ash berry.

Common Loon (left), &

Red-throated Loon (right)

Some day I'll figure out how to control the spacing on the blog.

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