With the end of the fall field season on the 15th, so ends the research for 2009. It seems like more than 8 months since we were contending with feet of snow when the the spring research season started. After a particularly wet and cold spring and summer we experienced a beautiful September and November. The combined results of the research seasons resulted in the documentation of over 171,000 individual birds of 241 species. Included in these 241 species are Chaffinch and Whooping Crane, two birds which cannot be officially counted due to their origins. Notable sightings included records of the Point's 1st Tufted Titmouse, 2nd Western Grebe, 2nd American Avocet, 4th Long-billed Dowitcher, Brant, Long-tailed Jaeger, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, and a King Eider at the Tahquameneon River mouth. All nine species of owls that occur at the Point were seen this year, 8 in spring alone. The owl research resulted in the banding of 1,164 owls; 928 Northern Saw-whets, 75 Boreals, 142 Long-eareds, 1 Short-eared, 10 Barreds, 4 Great Grays, 2 Great Horneds, and 2 Northern Hawk Owls. While the larger species of owls are seen fairly regularly when they are present, only 1 Saw-whet and 2 Boreals were found away from the owl banding. The spring hawk count tallied over 15,000 individual diurnal raptors of 16 species and also had a Snowy Owl fly by the platform! Of course the spring & fall waterbird counts are responsible for a large number of the sightings and details can be found on the waterbird blog. Below is a list of the 2009 sightings by season, S=spring and f=fall. Considering our northern location and the fact that our research area is only about 40 acres the list is quite impressive. I will hopefully get another post in before I wrap up here and join Nova down at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in Texas for the winter.
Snow Goose: F
Cackling Goose: F
Canada Goose: S/F
Brant: S
Brant: S
Tundra Swan: S
Wood Duck: S/F
Gadwall: S/F
American Wigeon: S/F
Am. Black Duck: S/F
Mallard: S/F
Blue-winged Teal: S/Fl
Northern Shoveler: S/F
Northern Pintail: S/F
Green-winged Teal: F
Canvasback: S/F
Redhead: S/F
Ring-necked Duck: S/F
Greater Scaup: S/F
Lesser Sacup: S/F
eider species: F
Harlequin Duck: F
Surf Scoter: S/F
White-winged Scoter: S/F
Black Scoter: F
Long-tailed Duck: S/F
Bufflehead: S/F
Common Goldeneye: S/F
Hooded Merganser: S/F
Red-breasted Merganser: S/F
Common Merganser: S/F
Ruffed Grouse: F
Spruce Grouse: F
Sharp-tailed Grouse: F
Red-throated Loon: S/F
Pacific Loon: F
Common Loon: S/F
Horned Grebe: S/F
Red-necked Grebe: S/F
Western Grebe: F
American White-Pelican: S
Double-crested Cormorant: S/F
Great Blue Heron: S/F
Green Heron: S
Green Heron: S
Turkey Vulture: S/F
Osprey: S/F
Bald Eagle: S/F
Northern Harrier: S/F
Sharp-shinned Hawk: S/F
Cooper's Hawk: S/F
Northern Goshawk: S/F
Red-shouldered Hawk: S
Red-shouldered Hawk: S
Broad-winged Hawk: S/F
Swainson's Hawk: S
Red-tailed Hawk: S/F
Rough-legged Hawk: S/F
Golden Eagle: S
Golden Eagle: S
American Kestrel: S/F
Merlin: S/F
Peregrine Falcon: S/F
Sandhill Crane: S/F
Black-bellied Plover: S/F
Am. Golden-Plover: S/F
Semipalmated Plover: S/F
Piping Plover: S/F
Killdeer: S/F
American Avocet: S
Greater Yellowlegs: S/F
Lesser Yellowlegs: S/F
Solitary Sandpiper: S/F
Spotted Sandpiper: S/F
Whimbrel: S/F
Hudsonian Godwit: S
Hudsonian Godwit: S
Ruddy Turnstone: S/F
Red Knot: S
Red Knot: S
Sanderling: S/F
Semipalmated Sandpiper: S/F
Least Sandpiper: S/F
White-rumped Sandpiper: S/F
Baird's Sandpiper: F
Pectoral Sandpiper: F
Dunlin: S/F
Buff-breasted Sandpiper: F
Short-billed Dowitcher: S
Short-billed Dowitcher: S
Long-billed Dowitcher: F
Wilson's Snipe: S/F
American Woodcock: S
Red Phalarope: F
Parasitic Jaeger: S/F
Long-tailed Jaeger: F
Franklin's Gull: F
Little Gull: S
Little Gull: S
Bonaparte's Gull: S/F
Ring-billed Gull: S/F
Herring Gull: S/F
Iceland Gull: S/F
Glaucous Gull: S/F
Great Black-backed Gull: S/F
Black-legged Kittiwake: F
Sabine's Gull: F
Caspian Tern: S/F
Common Tern: S/F
Forster's Tern: F
Rock Pigeon: Summer
Rock Pigeon: Summer
Mourning Dove: S/F
Black-billed Cuckoo: F
Yellow-billed Cuckoo: F
Great Horned Owl: S
Great Horned Owl: S
Snowy Owl: S
Northern Hawk Owl: F
Barred Owl: S/F
Great Gray Owl: S
Great Gray Owl: S
Long-eared Owl: S/F
Short-eared Owl: S/F
Boreal Owl: S/F
Northern Saw-whet Owl: S/F
Common Nighthawk: S/F
Whip-poor-will: S
Common Nighthawk: S/F
Whip-poor-will: S
Chimney Swift: S/F
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: S/F
Belted Kingfisher: S/F
Red-headed Woodpecker: S
Red-bellied Woodpecker: S/F
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: S/F
Downy Woodpecker: S/F
Hairy Woodpecker: F
Black-backed Woodpecker: S/F
Northern Flicker: S/F
Pileated Woodpecker: S/F
Olive-sided Flycatcher: F
Eastern Wood-Pewee: S
Eastern Wood-Pewee: S
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher: S/F
Alder Flycatcher: S/F
Least Flycatcher: S/F
Eastern Phoebe: S/F
Great-crested Flycatcher: S
Eastern Kingbird: S
Great-crested Flycatcher: S
Eastern Kingbird: S
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher: F
Northern Shrike: S/F
Blue-headed Vireo: S/F
Philadelphia Vireo: S
Philadelphia Vireo: S
Red-eyed Vireo: S/F
Blue Jay: S/F
American Crow: S/F
Common Raven: S/F
Horned Lark: S/F
Tree Swallow: S/F
Northern Rough-winged Swallow: S
Bank Swallow: S/F
Barn Swallow: S/F
Cliff Swallow: S/F
Tufted Titmouse: F
Black-capped Chickadee: S/F
Boreal Chickadee: S
Boreal Chickadee: S
Red-breasted Nuthatch: S/F
White-breasted Nuthatch: S/F
Brown Creeper: S/F
House Wren: F
Winter Wren: S/F
Golden-crowned Kinglet: S/F
Ruby-crowned Kinglet: S/F
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher: S/F
Eastern Bluebird: S
Eastern Bluebird: S
Veery: S/F
Gray-cheeked Thrush: S/F
Swainson's Thrush: S/F
Hermit Thrush: S/F
American Robin: S/F
Gray Catbird: S/F
Northern Mockingbird: S
Brown Thrasher: S/F
European Starling: S/F
American Pipit: S/F
Bohemian Waxwing: S/F
Cedar Waxwing: S/F
Tennessee Warbler: S/F
Orange-crowned Warbler: S/F
Nashville Warbler: S/F
Northern Parula: S/F
Yellow Warbler: S/F
Chestnut-sided Warbler: S/F
Magnolia Warbler: S/F
Cape May Warbler: S/F
Black-throated Blue Warbler: S/F
Yellow-rumped Warbler Warbler: S/F
Black-throated Green Warbler: S/F
Blackburnian Warbler: S/F
Pine Warbler: S/F W
Palm Warbler: S/F
Bay-breasted Warbler: S/F
Blackpoll Warbler: S/F
Black & White Warbler: S/F
American Redstart: S/F
Ovenbird: S/F
Northern Waterthrush: S/F
Connecticut Warbler: F
Mourning Warbler: S/F
Common Yellowthroat: S/F
Wilson's Warbler: S/F
Canada Warbler: F
Scarlet Tanager: S/F
American Tree Sparrow: S/F
Chipping Sparrow: S/F
Clay-colored Sparrow: S/F
Field Sparrow: S
Vesper Sparrow: S/F
Savannah Sparrow: S/F
Fox Sparrow: S/F
Song Sparrow: S/F
Lincoln's Sparrow: S/F
Swamp Sparrow: S/F
White-throated Sparrow: S/F
White-crowned Sparrow: S/F
Dark-eyed Junco: S/F
Lapland Longspur: S/F
Snow Bunting: S/F
Northern Cardinal: S/F
Rose-breasted Grosbeak: S/F
Indigo Bunting: S
Indigo Bunting: S
Dickcissel: F
Bobolink: S/F
Red-winged Blackbird: S/F
Yellow-headed Blackbird: S
Yellow-headed Blackbird: S
Rusty Blackbird: S/F
Brewer's Blackbird: F
Common Grackle: S/F
Brown-headed Cowbird: S
Baltimore Oriole: S
Brown-headed Cowbird: S
Baltimore Oriole: S
Pine Grosbeak: S/F
Purple Finch: S/F
House Finch: F
Red Crossbill: S/F
White-winged Crossbill: S/F
Common Redpoll: S/F
Hoary Redpoll: S
Pine Siskin: S/F
American Goldfinch: S/F
Evening Grosbeak: S/F
House Sparrow: F
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: S
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: S
While the blogs don't get a lot of comments posted on them I'd like to thank the many visitors who have expressed their appreciation of them. Without these compliments we would really wonder if anyone was reading them. Thanks folks.
Chris Neri
Congratulations to the entire WPBO staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors for a terrific 2009.
New members, new programs, and, most importantly, the continuation of 30+ years of data collection and research at Whitefish Point--all are signs of your dedication to avian research, conservation, and education.
Great job!
Best regards,
You take some of the best photos I've seen in a long time. Its a pleasure to visit this site!
Chris, Nova, all,
Thanks for the stewardship and direction of the point for another year. Your efforts are noticed and appreciated. And I agree, while this blog may not get a lot of comments, I know many people click on this thing (including myself) on a daily basis. Thanks for all the great pictures and keeping us updated with that cold windswept sandbar/scrub-woods we all love so much!
See ya'lls in TX later this winter.
Thanks Chris,
Yes we're checking the blog often, wish we could get up there more often. Have a great winter. See you guys in the spring.
What a pleasure to read the summary and then view the photos and list. Really impressive and communicates the breadth and richness of what the point has to offer. Thank you
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
My friend and I were recently discussing about how modern society has evolved to become so integrated with technology. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets cheaper, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://crystalguo.vox.com/library/post/how-does-the-r4i-or-r4-work.html]R4i SDHC[/url] DS scPost)
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