Nova and I made the trek over to the upper falls in Tahquamenon State Park during the first snow fall (photo below). Truly beautiful in the snow.
I did some searching south of the Point today in hopes of finding a Hawk Owl or a Great Gray. No luck with the owls, but there was a Sharp-tailed Grouse (photo below) and a Northern Shrike along Lone Pine Rd.
As I covered the waterbird count, the woods didn't get much coverage today. The Harris's Sparrow was still at the feeders. A cuckoo was seen from the Point, and Keith and Wendy had a Yellow-billed this afternoon. There were lots of Pine Siskins at the feeders today.
Owls: Keith and Wendy are having an amazing season for Barred Owl, they have already broken WPBO's single season record for this species. This is not an easy species to see at the Point if you're not one of the owl banders, but we found this bird roosting the other day (photo below). Check for their updates on the wpbo owl blog.